Indoor & Outdoor Havens: Nurturing Young Minds

Within our school, both indoor and outdoor spaces are carefully crafted havens that cater to every facet of a child’s development. These thoughtfully designed areas serve as powerful tools for fostering growth, creativity, and social skills.

Indoor Creative Zones: Fostering Imagination

Step into our indoor creative zones, where young minds are invited to unleash their imagination. These spaces provide the perfect canvas for children to paint their dreams, encouraging self-expression, creativity, and a profound sense of accomplishment. Here, we nurture young artists, writers, and inventors, allowing their unique voices to shine through creative exploration.


Within our classrooms, we’ve woven the elements of space and light into a tapestry of learning. These carefully crafted environments serve as catalysts for exploration, discovery, and growth. Our spacious classrooms offer room to move and engage, fostering collaboration and a sense of belonging. Abundant natural light streams through windows, infusing each space with warmth and inspiration.

In line with the Reggio Emilia philosophy, we view the classroom as the “third teacher.” Thoughtfully arranged learning centers, materials, and displays invite independent exploration, empowering children to take charge of their learning journey. Here, space, light, and design intertwine to create an environment that nurtures curiosity, sparks creativity, and lays the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

Cinema Hall

Step into our Cinema Hall, where education becomes an immersive adventure. Beyond entertainment, our Cinema Hall is a gateway to enriching learning experiences. We seamlessly weave our curriculum into what’s shown on the big screen, creating a captivating blend of entertainment and education. This unique approach transforms passive viewing into active learning, igniting curiosity and sparking discussions that deepen understanding.


The Library is a treasure trove of adventures waiting to be explored. Amidst shelves of colorful books, children discover the joy of reading and storytelling. Our Library is a sanctuary where little ones can escape into worlds of imagination, enhance their language skills, and cultivate a lifelong love for books. Through the pages of books, they embark on exciting journeys, igniting their curiosity and expanding their horizons.

Spotlight Studio

In our Performing Studio, creativity takes center stage. This is where children unleash their inner performers, whether through acting, singing, or dancing. With a backdrop of imagination, the Performing Studio nurtures self-expression, confidence, and collaboration. Here, every child is a star, and their unique talents shine as they explore the world of the performing arts in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Montessori Lab

Our Montessori Lab is a haven of specialized equipment designed specifically for children aged 2 to 4. At this crucial stage, Montessori principles play a pivotal role in fostering independence and cultivating essential life skills. The carefully curated materials empower children to explore, discover, and learn at their own pace. Through hands-on engagement with age-appropriate tools, they develop fine motor skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

This immersive environment nurtures a sense of responsibility as children choose activities, engage in focused tasks, and learn the satisfaction of completing tasks on their own. The Montessori approach is a guiding light, empowering children to become confident, capable, and curious learners, setting the foundation for a lifetime of self-directed exploration and success.

Space Tunnel

Blast off into our Space Tunnel, where young astronauts embark on an imaginary journey to the stars. This immersive environment ignites fascination with the cosmos, planets, and space exploration. As children venture through the tunnel, they encounter the wonders of the universe and develop a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world beyond our own. The Space Tunnel is a gateway to learning about science and the mysteries of outer space.

Welcome to our Café

Welcome to our Café, a place where children explore the joy of culinary creativity and serving others. Here, little chefs whip up imaginative dishes, while budding baristas brew delightful concoctions. The Café isn’t just about play; it’s a space where children learn about cooperation, communication, and the simple joys of sharing. Through pretend play, they discover the art of hospitality, fostering important social skills and an understanding of working together to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Our Post Office

Our Post Office is a dynamic learning space where children engage in a world of imaginative play and skill-building. Amidst the hustle and bustle, young ones learn the art of sorting packages, enhancing their organization and cognitive abilities. Weighing packages not only introduces them to basic concepts of measurement but also sharpens their hand-eye coordination.

Working on pre-writing skills and scribbling on postcards fosters early literacy and fine motor development, preparing them for future writing adventures. The thrill of sticking stamps is more than just fun—it’s a tactile experience that hones dexterity and attention to detail. But perhaps the most magical aspect is sending letters to Santa, where wishes and dreams are embraced with joy and anticipation. In our Post Office, children become postal pros, not just in play, but in acquiring a spectrum of foundational skills that shape their journey towards confident and capable learners.

Vet’s Clinic

Vet’s Clinic-In our Vet’s Clinic, young animal lovers become compassionate caregivers. Equipped with medical tools and stuffed animal patients, children step into the role of veterinarians, nurturing empathy and kindness. They diagnose and care for their furry friends, learning about animal health and well-being. This interactive space encourages empathy, responsibility, and critical thinking as children discover the importance of caring for others, no matter how small or furry they may be.

Art Room

Step into our Art Room, a vibrant space where young artists’ imaginations know no bounds. With a palette of colors, brushes, and endless possibilities, children embark on artistic journeys of self-expression and discovery. Here, they explore different mediums, experiment with textures, and transform their ideas into visual masterpieces. The Art Room isn’t just about creating beautiful works; it’s a sanctuary of self-discovery, where every stroke of a brush nurtures confidence, individuality, and a lifelong appreciation for the power of creativity.

Super Market

Our Super Market isn’t just a play area; it’s a realm of hands-on learning. Amidst the shelves of pretend groceries, children engage in exciting activities that nurture important life skills. They sort fruits and vegetables, discovering patterns and enhancing their cognitive abilities.

Exploring different food groups helps them understand the basics of nutrition and a balanced diet. As they “shop” for dairy products, they learn about healthy choices and develop a foundation for making mindful food decisions. Our Super Market isn’t just about fun; it’s a space where children gain practical knowledge that sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy habits and informed choices.

Outdoor Discovery Corners: Igniting Curiosity

Venture outdoors to discover our captivating discovery corners, where curiosity finds its home. These dynamic spaces are a treasure trove of books, experiments, and hands-on activities, sparking an insatiable thirst for knowledge and nurturing a lifelong love for learning. By embracing the wonders of the world around us, we plant the seeds of curiosity that will blossom into a lifelong journey of exploration.

Sand Pit

Our sandpit is a place where the children can have endless fun with sand. They can build sandcastles, dig tunnels, and make shapes with their hands. Playing in the sand helps them use their fingers and imagination. When they play together, they learn how to share and make friends. The sandpit is like an open canvas where kids can be themselves, and every scoop of sand is a little adventure that helps them feel confident and happy.

Tree House

The Tree House is a magical place in the school. It’s like a little house high up in the trees where the little ones can imagine all sorts of exciting stories. When they climb up, they learn new things and think in different ways. The tree house is a place where they can play by themselves or with friends. It helps them feel independent and learn how to work together. Playing in the tree house sparks their imagination and makes them feel brave and ready to explore.

Petrol Pump

Our pretend petrol pump is like a make-believe place for the little ones. They can pretend to be drivers and fill up their “cars” with fuel. It’s a fun way for them to use their imagination and play pretend games. When they take turns, they learn how to share and talk to others. The pretend petrol pump is not just about fuelling up – it’s about having fun and learning while they play, helping them become better at using their imagination and getting along with others.

Mud Kitchen

Our mud kitchen is a captivating outdoor play haven where children delight in the wonders of imaginative and messy play. By concocting imaginary feasts with mud, sand, and water, the children embark on a journey of skill-building and self-expression. Through this unique experience, they hone their fine motor skills, dive into role-playing adventures, and nurture their innate curiosity.

The mud kitchen is more than just play; it’s a space of social interaction, fostering friendships and teamwork. Its open-ended design liberates young minds, allowing them to craft without limits and embrace their uniqueness, instilling confidence with every messy masterpiece.

Play Area

Our playground is a magical realm where children embark on exciting journeys. Here, little ones have the chance to explore, run, jump, and laugh. The playground is a place filled with opportunities to climb, slide, and discover. As children engage with different play equipment, they develop their muscles, balance, and coordination.

The playground isn’t just a place to have fun; it’s a world of learning and growth, where each step they take is a step towards building confidence and a love for adventure. Here, little ones build confidence, make friends, and create lasting memories, all while experiencing the simple magic of being children.

Swimming Pool

Our swimming pool is a place where children can splash and have lots of fun. It’s not just about swimming perfectly – it’s about getting comfortable with the water and having a great time. Children can splash, play, and enjoy the water without worries. We help them feel at ease in the pool, so they become friends with the water and don’t feel scared. It’s a joyful way for them to become familiar with the pool, and with each splash, they grow more at ease, making water a friend they can enjoy and explore with a big smile.