Big Steps

The Big Steps program is just right for children 3 to 4 years of age. Our preschool program which includes classroom learning, creative expression and full body gymnastics experience, builds the children’s community and develops their problem solving and socialization skills.

In the nursery program, we foster mathematical thinking through block building, puzzles and patterning activities. Large and small art activities spark new interest in colour and texture. Water, sand play and cooking are springboards for scientific explorations and allow children to ask questions, experiment and hypothesize. Language and literacy grow naturally while children pretend play, respond to stories, listen for rhymes and match letters to sound.


Little Steps

This “mommy and me” style Little Steps program, helps children and parents become

Age18-24 months
Duration1.5 Hours
Frequency5 Days a Week
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Steady Steps

The Steady Steps program embraces a 2.5-year-old child’s developing language, social, emotional

Age2.5-3.5 years
Duration3 Hours
Frequency5 times a Week
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Independent Steps

The Independent Steps Program is a warm and nurturing introduction to a pre-nursery program

Age18-30 Months
Duration3 Hours
Frequency5 Days a Week
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36 Months +
3.5 Hours
5 Days a Week